Friday, February 27, 2009

And she's off...

No, not walking by herself yet, but she's sure motivated! Pay no attention to the big cardboard box. We got another TV, because now that Rick realized how great the new TVs are (compared to circa 1980 TVs) we have to upgrade ALL our TVs. "Yay" where's the rolling eyes emoticon thingy? And please don't mind the over flowing recycling bin, apparently we're too busy installing TVs in this house. Other than that, enjoy the show!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

10 months old

I'm a little late updating Sophia's stats. She's almost 11 months old now, and I'm just getting to her 10 month! She's really all over the place now, here are a few action shots.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

Snow day!

It rarely snows enough it stick so close to home. We took advantage of the moment and introduced Sophia to her first snow experience. She tried to eat (yeah, no big surprise there) the snow that fell on her snow suit. It was a fun day!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Feb. 12 on the 12th

From top...
  • Got milk, er, yogurt? Sophia loves her yogurt, and it's just plain ol' yogurt with nothing in it. A little too tangy for my taste, but as long as she's happy.
  • We're starting to get serious about baby proofing the house these days. Why do children want to stick their fingers in the outlets??
  • Took a trip to Target to try out new sippy cup options. The Dr. recommended cutting out the bottle. I tried for one day, but decided not to rush anything. We like our bottles!
  • How the bills pile up around here!
  • Note to self: don't put peanut M&M's out in a place you walk by a million times a day. I should have taken some time stamped pics throughout the day just to see how much the candy bowl diminished.
  • Vacuuming is one of the biggest hassles, logistically speaking, around here. I loathe it.
  • Back to baby proofing, I rearranged the whole living room to make way for more room for toys and crawling!
  • Since we didn't have much rain this winter, the blooms are starting early.
  • Here's the deal at our house, I cook dinner and Rick cleans up.
  • I really liked the lighting outside for the picture of the almost-ready-to-bloom tulips...or are they daffodils? I can't remember.
  • And she's off! Sophia is officially crawling, as captured here. All it took was the vacuum cord to tease her into it.
  • This is Rick's dinner plate, so no I don't eat that much. For dinner I made spaghetti with sausage, garlic and peas, and a green salad.