Friday, May 27, 2011

Ava, adjusted

Considering that Ava should be 4 months old, she's really trying to catch up to her 7 month old status. We had the nurse over for her monthly home visit, and she noted that Ava is doing 5-6 month old things. As proud as I am that my little girl is an overachiever, I'm not quite ready for her to grow up so fast. Actually, I'm kind of bummed that she's not taking her time doing things. Don't get me wrong, I would be singing a different tune if she were behind in development. But IF (and that's a big if) things happened differently in our lives, and we had just one healthy Ava born at full term, I really wanted to cherish that baby stuff I really didn't fully appreciate when Sophia was a baby. It's so cliche but true that they grow up so fast, in a blink of an eye. Did Ava's head really fit in the palm of my hand? I barely remember her fragile, baby bird like state. So now she's determined to roll over, to grasp things, to coo and babble but I'm not ready for these things because I know the next chapter will be independence. I was eating something in front of Ava the other day, and she was looking at my eyes, down to my lips--back and forth as I chewed my food. She started to make open mouth motions and a little drool escaped. Well damn it, is it really time to introduce her to solid foods? I know she's ready, I'm just not. But I went out and got some rice cereal anyway, to try with her...once I get my video camera charged, and both camera's full disc space clear for more memories, once I get my computer setup and a file system organized to hold these memories. Yes, I'm stalling. Ava may be adjusting fine to all these new changes but I'm not.


Dione said...

I hate that it goes so fast! Wait... I was about to feel sorry for you but just remembered Amanda is almost done with third grade! Now I'm feeling sorry for ME. Go snuggle with Ava while there's still time, will you. ;-) Super cute pic, btw. Love you.

Alicia Adams said...

I feel the same way. Too fast. Too fast.