Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Crafts bust

The ants got to the gingerbread house (which totally looks like a train, Kathy! I get it. Or a mobile home. Ha!) Sophia was super bummed she wasn't going to get to eat the whole thing. I didn't break it to her that she never actually would get to eat it, so I guess she probably took it better that the ants got some instead, and I got to avoid the inevitable meltdown if it went straight from display to the trash. The ants are her friends, you know. I'm usually all about telling children how it really is. I don't go into detail, but I don't usually lie. I keep it simple, to the point. Questions like, "Mommy, where is your daddy?" Are answered very simple: "My daddy died." And if she wants to know more, I give more simple answers. She's actually told me that my brother is now my daddy, since I need a daddy. Um, no thanks. Ah, this is a fun age. Anyway, back to the ants. We've been trying to keep the ants out, but at the tiniest hint of precipitation, those suckers come marching right in and making themselves at home. Quite cozy they are, with a baby that eats off the floor and a preschooler that leaves crumb trails wherever she goes. So at first we told Sophia the truth about what we were doing with the ants. She wailed, "Those are my friends! Don't kill my friends!" Well, now we say we are feeding them, so they won't try to take our food. Not really a lie, because they are eating the "food" but it keeps her from knowing the end result. I should have known they would seek out the candy display no matter where I put it. But again, could have been worse. Could have had a resentful child adding one more thing to her list of things to hold against me. I'm still getting glared at for throwing away her Halloween candy.

Now about the bird feeder. I'm sure it would work great if it were in a different place. Mainly, away from the house. I know the birds are eating it, so it's not a total bust. We just can't enjoy them eating it because they fly away as soon as we creep towards the window. Can't hang it in the tree, too many squirrels.

Stay tuned for the reindeer food. I'm sure there will be a story about that one too.


Dione said...

Well at least you're doing your crafts! I'm failing miserably on our calendar. We did bake cookies... and no, I'm not talking about gingerbread. Acch. I'm so done with gingerbread. You'll be proud that your niece's was the only anatomically correct gingerbread woman in the class... complete with peppermint ta-tas.

Alyssa requested today that the next calendar item be something they can play with. Umm no, this is not about more toys darling children... What is this about again? Oh it's about the countdown to toys... at least in their minds. Oh well.

Every time I read your blog I think you've totally inspired me to blog... but then I just surf the internet or go to bed.

I did start a comment to you the other day that got so long I decided it should be a blog post. It's sitting in my drafts unfinished. LAME!

Kathy said...

Cara,all your projects are very inspiring and remind me of the early days when Jeremy was little and then a "do again" when Chris was at that age. It was fun.