Saturday, January 28, 2012

Father Daughter Dinner Dance III

Before Daddy came home to sweep her away to the annual Father Daughter Dinner Dance, I was able to take a few pictures of the princess. It's really fun to compare how much she's grown each year from the first to the second, and now this year with the anticipation leading up to the dance, it's really cute.

But my princess woke up with the sniffles. And not princess sniffles. The thick snot-nosed, hard to breathe kind of sniffles that woke us up early in the morning and I thought oh no, not today! But the show must go on, because there was no way--well maybe a stomach flu--that she was going to miss out. I'd give the sickness excuse for why she's not in full smile mode in these pictures, but it's not actually true. She's gone from not wanting to smile, to plastering a crazy forced smile that just drives me crazy. OK, it's a stage and I should accept it, but it's so forced and so crazed, I'm not sure these are the pictures I want to look back on. Of course, I don't delete them, but keep them in the archives when the day comes that I'll miss that crazed forced smile. However today I like that I know something you don't know look much better.

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