Monday, July 21, 2014

And that's a wrap!

I've been trying to find time to write an end to this blog, something that would wrap up everything through the years. You know what? It's been daunting. My reasons for ending this are probably as scattered as this blog has been, so maybe it's fitting to wrap it up with odds and ends.
I had my yearly discussion with my OB a few weeks ago, and speaking of scattered, I have such a hard time just gathering my thoughts. We talked about peri-menopause, talked about getting restful sleep, the challenges of motherhood, the unanswered question of us being done with growing our family. It's a lot. Oh, did I mention we got a puppy? Yeah.
I can't believe I'm in a unique situation here; a transition from small babies to growing children that want to constantly be doing something. "What are we doing today?" Summer has been busy. Good busy...I'd say GREAT busy! It's so nice to be free of diaper bags and nap time and special snacks. We can mostly just pick up and go these days. I have been fully appreciating the Stay at Home title this summer. There have been many moments of realization: my girls are becoming independent and before long, they will not need me every second of the day. With their independence comes awareness that I am no longer relevant in the workforce. What do I do when they grow up? Do we try for another baby? Pros and cons? Eeeek. What are my hobbies? Long term goals?
Sophia is getting to the age where I feel like it's no longer appropriate to write about her. I feel protective of her in the sense that it isn't fair to have her stuff out there for everyone to see. Maybe not harmful, but potentially embarrassing? Ava isn't there yet, but she is right around the corner. My life is currently routine. The kids want very simple food these days, therefore putting any cooking creativity on hold. Sophia is in that stage where she doesn't want food mixed together, or to even be touching another item for that matter. What to write about, then?
If you stumbled upon my blog in search for answers to the twin pregnancy scenario, you'd probably realize how archaic my blog is. Have you seen these fancy blogs out there? It's an industry! They are incredible blogs that do what I could only wish to, crafts, recipes, kids activities, etc. Not that I could or would want to compete. I just don't have that motivation or drive, or hours of precious sleep to lose. At the same time, it makes me feel like I should either expand and clean it up, or move on. Seriously, do these people with these blogs ever sleep? If you are my family and personal friends, you pretty much know what's going on in my life with my photostream, sans long rambling rantings. You probably much prefer the photos! ;)
Making babies? Well, it's been a very public journey. And I have been more than willing to share for the sake of getting out all the info about miscarriage, and really just about any crazy f'd up pregnancy scenario one could go through. So even if we decide to expand our family, maybe the next journey could be a private one.
Thanks for coming along for the ride. Thanks to my family and friends for always being there, and thanks for the new friends I met along the way. I am still around to answer questions to anyone who finds my blog through researching. Just use the contact button. And if I happen to get motivated, or feel like I can offer something uniquely my own, that countless super awesome stay at home moms haven't already cornered the market on, maybe I'll be back and include a link to my next journey.
With love,