Friday, April 29, 2011

Nurture versus nature

I've always found the psychology of a child fascinating. One comment I hear from parents (even my mom and my mother-in-law) is "I raised them the same way, how come they came out so different?" I can honestly say that I won't be saying this in the future. So if Sophia and Ava are complete opposites, I will be less surprised than if they have any similarities.

Besides the normal "second child" things, such as being held less, having to adapt to the older kid's routine, being made to wait more, having a less neurotic mother, etc. Ava wasn't breast-fed, she co-slept with me for a good part of 3 months and I still pull her into bed with me in the early morning, whereas Sophia didn't have her first bottle until she was 6 months old and I always put Sophia in her bassinet or swing to sleep. Sophia did sleep on me for a lot of her naps, where Ava is always put down in her swing as soon as her eyes start to droop. I always had Sophia in her car seat carrier and stroller for any outings, but find that it's easier to wear Ava in the Bjorn carrier to do anything with both girls. Sophia didn't really start to interact until she was 3 months old, but Ava was always wide-eyed and ready to play from the time she came home from the hospital.

I know it's still early--too early to tell how things will turn out--but I can sure tell you they are like night and day.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Six months ago

Does time really heal those wounds, because I feel like it's just getting harder. Six months ago was one of the saddest and scariest and happiest days of my life. I just don't know if I'll ever figure out how to manage the conflicting emotions of this day.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sophia's 3 year and Ava's 6 month updates

Both girls needed doctors appointments in April, so I scheduled them together. Two birds with one stone, so to speak. I knew both would need shots, but I didn't really think through the process. It would have been nice to have four arms, or have thought to maybe bring in reinforcements, but we got through the appointment with only a little sweat (me) and a few tears (them).

Sophia is very healthy and confirmed to be smart and well spoken. It's nice to have that confirmation, although these days she is a little too smart for her own good. The potty training business is being shelved indefinitely here. I have been told to give her 3 whole months without suggestions or mention of the potty. This is going to be more challenging for me than the potty training but perhaps she needs to make her own decision now.

Ava is now 15 pounds, and in the 95%ile for weight, 50%ile for height and head circumference for her adjusted age and in the 5%ile and 3%ile respectively for her actual age range. She's doing great! The doctor mentioned feeding her solids soon, something I hadn't even thought of. I am going to hold off on that for at least another month, unless Ava is throwing herself at food. I'm just not ready for her to grow up yet.

I couldn't have a more opposite spectrum as far as Ava and Sophia. They are like night and day in every sense. Well, except they both wear diapers (har-de-har). But opposites attract because these girls just love each other. I hope it continues this way and they can be friends. It's really fun watching them interact.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ava found her hands

Another milestone to check off the list. Ava found her hands last week. She's also trying to suck her fingers and I'm trying to thwart those efforts by promptly substituting the pacifier. I'm just not sure I want another thumb sucker to deal with. Not that I really have a choice--she'll do what she wants I'm sure--but I'm going to try my best to make her a binky baby.

And Sophia wants to know what the big deal is about Ava finding her hands. Obviously they are right where they are supposed to be. Duh.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Already in the throes of three

Yesterday Sophia says to me in an exasperated voice, "Mommy, stop breathing on me." Really? Already? Everything is a battle these days, from picking out clothes to wear, or eating, or, well apparently even breathing. The autonomous threes, yay me. Oh, I give her choices. "Do you want to do A or B?" And her response, "I don't want to do either. Go away. Leave me alone. My ears are plugged so I can't hear you." Sometimes it's such a ridiculous struggle that I can't help but laugh. Sometimes I just want to cry. Days have been completely remapped based on her relentless temper tantrums. I know this is a phase. I know she's testing her boundaries. I get that she is working into her independence. I just wish that my sweet little Sophia would take it down a notch. I'm sure it's no coincidence that this phase happens to correspond to a certain someone getting attention. In fact, I actually feel guilty when I do pay attention to Ava in front of Sophia. As challenging as it is, I am so grateful that Sophia never takes out her frustration of this stage on Ava. She is always so quick to help out when it comes to Ava. She is so gentle and sweet with her little sister, and takes her role as big sister very serious. I get a little jealous that all that sweetness is now directed at Ava when not so long ago it was all for me. But as sassy as she is now, like Jekyll and Hyde, she can be incredibly sweet and considerate all in a blink of an eye. "Mommy, I love you so much. You are my very best friend in the whole world" is interchangeable with "Mommy, I don't like you anymore. I want...I need....Give me NOW!" So here we are. The terrible twos weren't really present in our house, but I fear the wrath of threes rearing it's ugly head only days shy of her third birthday.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cooking with wine

Maybe it's because Sophia has entered the terrible three stage, I found that two of my dinners this week included wine. Oh, you thought it was terrible two's? Think again. That will be a separate post to come. So until I can sit down and figure out the ingredients I used to add to the recipe section, here's the menu if you are looking for some inspiration (or an excuse to have a glass of wine while cooking).
Linguine with Clams, Ceasar Salad and Focaccia bread

Pork Chops with Porcini Mushroom and Red Wine Reduction, Polenta and Asparagus

Friday, April 1, 2011

Giant hail!

April Fools! In the midst of our heat wave, Rick brought snow back from his drive up to Reno.