Sunday, June 22, 2008

Poop happens

I have this little painted tile that reads "Poop Happens" hanging over Sophia's changing table. It was a gift from Erin, and I thought it was really cute. Never thought I'd get the full meaning of the statement, but now I totally get it.

It seems that Sophia likes to do her business at the most opportune times, usually when we are out and about. I am slightly germaphobic, so I hate using those changing tables in the public restrooms, but I'm getting over it.

The other day we were at Bed Bath and Beyond and the usual signs occurred--red face, grunting, lots of tooting...and thar she blows! A huge blowout. OK, so I gave my stuff to a clerk to hold and rolled her to the bathroom. I start to lift her out of her carseat and notice the poo dripping down her leg and off her toes. I also realize that I'm touching something wet on her back and assumed it was a little sweat (we were in the middle of a heat wave). Well, it turns out the poo went up her back too. And because I'm a new mom and not fully prepared, I pulled a rookie move and forgot to pack an extra outfit for her. I also only had about 15 wipes to use, when I really needed 50. Heck, I really needed to just dump her in the bath but that neither here nor there at this point. So I stripped her and started cleaning. it took so long that the sensor lights turned off. I sat there in partial darkness until, thank god, a woman walked in. I finished cleaning Sophia and created some sort of wrap outfit from her swaddle blanket, strapped her back into her poopy car seat and got out of there.

So we get home and I give her a nice bath, get her dressed and fed and put her in her swing to take a nap. I walk away to put her bath up and put all the poo'd on stuff in the wash. Sophia starts to cry. Wouldn't you know she just did a repeat of the earlier business in her swing? Round 2 of strip, clean, bath, dress and laundry. Where does this child store all the poo? I ended up taking a shower myself after that.

Yes, poop does happen.

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