Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sleep tight, nighty night

I've been afraid to write about this, least I jinx myself. However, I really do have to share what a great sleeper Sophia has been. She's always been really good about going to sleep. From early on all I had to do was wrap her up in a half-swaddle and lay her down and she'd go to sleep with little or no fussing.
Recently I was getting frustrated that she would wake up every 3-4 hours during the night. Not too big of a deal really, I would nurse her and she'd go right back to sleep. But her Dr. had told me she should be sleeping through the night by this age, so that bothered me. Then it dawned on me. Maybe she is waking up because we were making noise in our sleep. She was still in our room, sleeping in her Pack 'n Play because I was too lazy to move her into her own room due to waking up to nurse.
So I put my laziness aside to tackle the big move to her crib. I figured it might take a few nights or so to suffer but it would be the best for us all. So last week I moved the night time routine to her room--PJs, books, nurse, swaddle, burp, turn out the light. I set her down in her crib, whispered, "sleep tight, nighty night" and she laid there smiling at me. I turned around, closed the door and turned on her monitor in the family room. I didn't hear a peep. We went to bed and then I turned on the monitor in our bedroom. Didn't hear a peep. I started to wonder if the monitor was broken. 8 hours later, and countless times during the night waking up to silence, I finally give in to my curiosity (and at this point, just plain fear) and go into her room to see if she's still alive. There she was, sound asleep. At least someone got a good night sleep that night.
Since that night, each consecutive night it's been the same routine with the same results. Last night she slept 10 hours. See why I've been so hush-hush in writing this? I just know I'm jinxing something, but I'm too proud not to share.

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