Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Love Bugs
It took me longer than anticipated to report a happy Thanksgiving. I'm now recovering from a cold that Sophia caught from either Love Bug #1 (Amanda) or Love Bug #2 (Alyssa). Those little girls looove their cousin Sophia so much, they can't get close enough to her. Which is sweet, and I am so grateful there is no jealousy of the new addition to share Grandma's attention. So why are they Love Bugs? Well Amanda is in school now so basically she's a walking petri dish. She does really well washing her hands but, well, she's a kid and that's just that. Now Alyssa, she's a Love Bug because the kid just loves to bug. She definitely takes after my side of the family, with that devilish twinkle in her eye. I think we attempted to get Sophia down for a nap at least 4 times, each time the effort foiled by Alyssa. Here's a picture of my love bugs with Sophia!

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