Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Statistics was the only math class I passed on the first try

I did always like statistics. It was the only math class I could understand, because it was based on a story. "There are 100 college kids having unprotected sex, and 33 get their period..." this was the story I was told by the specialist, to illustrate where I fit--statistically. Statistically speaking, I'm normal. That's what the specialist informed me during my consultation with him today. He even broke it down on a little chart for me, as if I couldn't follow his horny college students having unprotected sex story. I suppose the referral from my OB/GYN was really just a way to have me talk to a specialist to confirm and validate what she's been telling me all along--it's just bad luck. So an hour later, the bottom line is just to do what any normal person would do when trying to get pregnant and "just pee on a stick" (using his exact phrase) if I think I might be pregnant. Actually, the only concern he did find was the ectopic, and the higher risk of it happening again. But the ectopic is not considered a miscarriage, because it could have been a healthy pregnancy had it implanted in the right place. I mentioned that there was no heartbeat, which he responded that blood flow isn't the best in a fallopian tube. So there you have it. I'm not "special" enough to see a specialist. I'm just one of the statistics. Which is great news. But really, I was hoping to walk out of there with a magic pill that would ensure I'd have a healthy, full term baby as a result of my next pregnancy.

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