Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The accidental pee

Sophia went pee pee in the potty yesterday. I know, it's a big deal! But before we all get too excited, it really was quite accidental. As you may or may not remember, I bought a potty for Sophia many months back. It's had its moments, mainly when I'm going potty she will mimic me, clothing fully in tact. And honestly that's as far as I want to take it for a while. About a month ago, she decided to attack the toilet bowl with a red bath crayon. It took me a few times before I stopped having a moment of panic about seeing what looked like blood at the bottom of that thing. Have I ever cleaned it out? No, I guess I wasn't that panicked.
Yesterday she informed me that she was going to poop. She's done this consistently for the past month and I know this is a sign to begin the potty training bit, but I really don't think she's there yet. So this particular time, I asked her if she wanted to go poop in her potty. With an enthusiastic "Yes!" she runs over to the bathroom. Well, we got there and she got stage fright. Then the phone rang. I ran to get it, yelling behind me for her to stay there. While on the phone with my friend, catching her up on the current events unfolding, Sophia stood up. Lo and behold, potty! All that pretend grunting and pushing actually turned out to have unintended--but still productive--results! My friend informs me that I must take a picture of the pee. Um, how to explain in the future a picture that looks like bloody urine as my daughter's first pee pee in the potty? So I took a picture of Sophia on the potty, which I think is a much better blackmail photo anyway.
P.S. yes, the toilet bowl portion is now free of red crayon.

1 comment:

Dione said...

Woo hoo! Go Sophia!!! And I mean that literally... Oh and for the record, as the person who takes pictures of pretty much EVERYTHING I've never taken any pictures of poop or pee. Plenty of potty-training pics though. Yep, I'm well stocked on the blackmail pics.