Friday, April 18, 2008

Birth story

We went to the hospital for a scheduled c-section because Sophia was breech and was expected to be over 10 pounds in weight.

At 6:00 AM we checked in and they put us in a pre-op room to monitor me and the baby, and get an IV started. I hate needles and never had an IV before so I was pretty anxious about that. Of course it took 2 tries to get the IV started, after blowing out the vein in my right hand. Rick and my mom were in the room and we hung out and tried to make light of the situation. Shortly after, the anesthesiologist came in to describe the spinal block and my Dr. came in to explain the c-section again.

At 7:30 AM I walked from the pre-op room to the operating room. At this point I was no longer feeling nervous, just anxious to meet our baby girl. I hardly felt the numbing needle from the anesthesiologist, and just felt some pressure from the spinal block. Within seconds, a warm sensation traveled down my legs and I was numb. They put a catheter in and started scrubbing the incision sight. They gave me some oxygen and I was ready to go. The anesthesiologist asked if I could feel anything and I said no, and he said, "good because they've already started." I told them to get Rick. Rick came in in full on surgical attire and sat down next to me.

Less than 5 minutes later, the Dr. yelled "surf's up!" as my amniotic fluid gushed all over the floor. Turns out the reason I was measuring so big was due to the amount of amniotic fluid and not the size of the baby. Seconds later, they announced they have the feet out, so Rick stood up and started taking pictures.

Sophia was born at 7:54 AM, to Lynard Skynard's Sweet Home Alabama playing on surround sound in the OR. She didn't breathe right away, so they gave her some oxygen and about 10 seconds later I heard the sweet sound of her wailing. It took about 10 minutes for them to bring her to me and we were able to look at her for a minute before they brought her back to check her out some more.

At 8:15 AM I was able to hold her and nurse her for the first time. She took to it like a champ. We spent about 45 minutes in the recovery room as a family, and then Rick and the nurse took Sophia to the nursery for her first bath and foot prints. They stopped by the waiting room on the way to the nursery so that Rick's family and my mom and Amy could see her.

They didn't have a room available right away, so we were brought back to the pre-op room. Everyone was able to come into the room and see us. At 12 PM we finally got into our post partum room for our 3 day stay.

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