Friday, June 19, 2009

June 12 on the 12th

So the day started out pretty uneventful at our house. Sophia woke up in a good mood and had her usual cheerios and banana.
I needed to water the garden, so while out there I wanted to take pictures of the progress. Our zucchini are just starting to grow, and the beans aren't far behind.
I got Sophia dressed and we headed off to Gymboree class. She had a good time playing with her friends.
We went to Costco and while there, I decided to pick up a pregnancy test. This was our first month "trying" for another baby, so I didn't put a whole lot of stock into actually being pregnant. I put Sophia down for her nap and decided to pee on a stick. If there's a pregnancy test in the house, it won't sit un-peed on fer very long. And SURPRISE, a big fat second line!! And that's when the normal day turned anything but.
I knew Rick wouldn't be expecting this, so for the first time I was actually able to come up with a cutesy way to tell him the news. So I got a hamburger bun out of the freezer and plopped it in the oven with the positive pregnancy test next to it (Get it? Bun in the oven...). He came home from work and I was in the other room, so I yelled to him that I had something in the oven, could he get it out for me? Well, he figured it out and his eyes lit up and he said, "that didn't take too long!" As you may recall, it took almost 3 years to conceive Sophia so we were sort of expecting it to take a little longer again.
Maybe Sophia picked up on the shift of moods, because boy did she throw a temper tantrum! Luckily it was the 12th, so I was able to capture the complete meltdown on camera.


Liz said...

Congrats! AJ and I hope you are feeling well having fun!

Betsy said...

Yay!! I'm so happy for you guys! :)