Monday, November 23, 2009

My epic ectopic

So to catch any readers up to speed, I'm going through an ectopic pregnancy. I didn't have the nerve to post that I was pregnant in the first place because it's starting to feel a little like the boy who cried wolf..."I'm pregnant, wait, nope I'm having a miscarriage...I'm pregnant! Wait, nope, another miscarriage." But really what's the point of creating a blog to post about making babies, when I'd have to actually keep a secret about the making baby part until it was considered a viable pregnancy? If you can't write about your feelings in a blog, what's the point of having a blog? So from this point on, I am going to discuss the dirty secrets and details. If you are reading, you want to know anyway, right?
So back to the epic ectopic...
I found out I was pregnant on Halloween. One week to that day, I started to bleed. I feared that I was having yet another miscarriage. I called the Dr. on Mon. to report my news. They had me come in for an ultrasound on Tues. My Dr. didn't see anything in my uterus, even though it showed all the signs of being pregnant. My fallopian tube showed something, and the ovary appeared to have some stuff too. She feared an ectopic. We made another appointment for that Fri. to do another ultrasound. On Fri. morning I started to have intense pain in my lower back and shooting down my leg. I called the Dr., who told me to go immediately to the ER. I spent the entire day in the ER, with them confirming ectopic. I had feared that my fallopian tube had burst, but it was just the pressure of the ovary and tube that had put pressure on my sciatic nerve, hence the pain. They gave me 2 shots of methotrexate, a chemotherapy drug that destroys the most rapidly dividing cells. We hoped this would take care of the ectopic. On a side note, there was no heartbeat, just a ball of dividing cells. The zygote really didn't ever have a chance of being a viable pregnancy, especially since it had decided to implant in my fallopian tube.
So I went home, and with the help of my mother, we waited. The chemo is a nasty drug. Given all the side effects, I felt that it was really doing what it was meant to do. That week I had another blood draw and then an appointment on Fri. to do another ultrasound. Things weren't boding well when my Dr. popped her head in and gave "that look." My blood work showed that the cells continued to multiply. The ultrasound showed that, even though I continued to bleed, my uterus was still mushy. It didn't work.
I was told to go back to the hospital to undergo another round of the nasty methotrexate. This time the drug better work, or else I will lose my fallopian tube on the right side. As of Sun. night, I feel like I'm making progress. Things are starting to clear out of my uterus. I hope to see some results on my next blood work, which is this Fri., the day after Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Liz said...

You are, and will continue to be, in my heart and in my prayers. Peace to you.