Wednesday, April 28, 2010

All aboard...

It's time to buckle those seat belts, keep your arms and legs in the car at all times. Tooot, toooOOOT...welcome aboard the crazy train. Rick and I are officially giving this making babies thing a priority again. There's only so much making dinner one can take, right? My baby is really no longer a baby and I guess it's going to have to near kill me to add anymore babies to this blog about making babies and making dinner. As if I even have time to write down what I made for dinner anymore anyway, who am I kidding. Making babies updates are so much quicker!

First update: I think I ovulated. It's still early and I ovulated early. Which means it'll be a short cycle, which is also a good thing because I don't have a lot of patience for long cycles. And at this rate, maybe fate is helping me out a little by throwing some short cycles into the mix. Although really short cycles aren't a good thing either. You need the proper amount of hormones to create a nice little environment for anything that might want to attach and hang out. So I'm wondering if I've got enough comfortable lining to burrow into. Pending that I have a nice hospitable follicle that will accept a roaming guest. Pending also that the roaming guest takes the right turn and even bumps into hospitable follicle. Pending that said hospitable follicle and said roaming guest decide to get to know each other a little and take it elsewhere down the hall, not just park it right there in the fallopian tube. Hopefully follicle and roaming guest play their parts and act accordingly. Oh, did I say this was going to be a brief update?

Sorry kiddos, this crazy train is not a smooth ride.

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