Monday, April 12, 2010

Happy birthday TWO you...

How does it sneak up so quickly, that year between ONE and TWO? I know the first year of Sophia's life was like a blur, but I thought I would have more time this last year. Instead-- whoosh--here we are again.

We had a Sesame Street party theme, with Elmo cupcakes, pizza (Elmo's favorite), fruit salad and green salad (because everyone needs a little healthy food), and cookie ice cream sandwiches (Cookie Monster's favorite). We played games: "how many goldfish are in the jar?" which was definitely a little old for the kiddos, who's average answer was 5 goldfish, when the actual count was 400. The "treasure hunt" was a big hit, with the Sesame Street characters giving the clues along the way. And the bean bag toss, (sans bean bags, substitute with bath toys) into Dorothy's fish bowl was a nice distraction between lunch and dessert. The younger kids played in the backyard, the older kids played "round the world" with the basketball hoop, the weather held up as much as one can expect during the start of Spring. It was a fun day all around.
Sophia has her 2 year check-up in a few days. We'll save the sappy "where did my baby go" stuff till then.

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