Monday, May 10, 2010

As usual, it's some shade of gray

I'm stuck in limbo land again. Actually, I'm getting pretty used to it. I took a pregnancy test on Saturday and it came back positive. The not-so-funny, but really kind of funny-in-a-sick-way part of it is, I told Rick and then we pretty much ignored the whole topic there on out. And then yesterday I started to spot a little. Today it's more pronounced spotting. In the 4 out of 5 bad pregnancy outcomes, I've had spotting involved. So the statistical average is not looking good for this one.
I called the Dr. office this morning and requested an HCG count. She threw in a progesterone count just for the fun of it. I should find out my results fairly soon, as it was a rushed order. I really wish it were all black or white here, but again I'm stuck on some shade of gray.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Some shade of gray? Just like the weather today! The gray skies probably aren't helping your mood. The weather forecast is sunny tomorrow, and I sure hope you get a bright and clear and sunny outcome on your test results.
Love ya babe,