Friday, May 7, 2010

Diaper duty

It's never fun changing Sophia's diaper. She is not an agreeable child for this act, never was. Lately it's been more a battle of minds, since pinning her down has become a struggle that my back can't keep up with.

Me: "I'm going to change your diaper. Do you want to lay down or stand?"

Sophia: "No"

Me: "Do you want lay down?"

Sophia: "No"

Me: "Do you want to stand?"

Sophia: "No"

Me: "You have two choices, you can either stand or lay down. Which one is it going to be?"

Sophia: "SIT right here. I SIT RIGHT HERE."

Me: "Sitting is not one of your options. Do you want to lay down or stand?"

Sophia (looking at me like I just don't get it): "SIT right here" (using her pointer finger for extra drama).

As you might except, the episode ended badly. But she has a clean diaper and that kink in my back grows by the day.

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