Monday, October 3, 2011

"When I get older..."

Sophia is a bit fixated on growing up these days. Many of her statements start with, "When I get older..." It started a few weeks ago when she said, "When I get older I want braces on my teeth." And the other morning it was, "Mommy I'm growing bigger and bigger right?" Uh huh, I replied, knowing what was coming next. "Am I old enough to drink coffee now?" Um, no. Later in the day we were at Costco and she pointed to the beer. "Mommy, what's that?" Beer, I replied. "Mommy, when I get older I'm going to drink beer!" Another proud moment, this time witnessed by others. Some things are pretty funny. "When I get older I'm going to grow hair on my chest just like Daddy" or "When I get older I'm going to have huge nipples!" This morning she made me measure her on her growth chart in her bedroom. She's grown 2 inches in just 6 months! She exclaimed, "I'm almost older now, so I can ride the spinning wheel (Ferris wheel) next time." Today at Target she told me she wanted to be older so she can be in high school. I'm not sure where this fixation comes from right now. Maybe it's a stage? I just know that I really CAN wait until she gets older. And I also hope she won't be drinking beer or coffee when she gets older (or have hair on her chest like Daddy).


Kathy said...
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Kathy said...

Gotta love princess Sophia; She is three going on twenty!!