And the first week into summer vacation, I get hit with a pretty big head cold. Still recovering with the congestion part, hopefully my brain cells are coming back too.
Without further adieu...
Things I want to remember:
Mother's day at Fenton's, carefree no hassle no hosting bliss of a day. Ice cream for lunch, yum.
I made up a Chicken recipe with paprika and garlic, white wine, dijon and brown sugar, soy sauce. I could drink the sauce on this chicken. I've successfully recreated it after the first round and I'm giving it one more try before posting the recipe.
Solar eclipse was cool! Our neighbors were walking by with unexposed x-ray films (brilliant!) and give us one for Sophia to watch with. Made up for the underwhelming super moon.
I've underestimated the importance to make time for myself, whether reading a book or small accomplishments with a craft. Felt like there was a bit of me outside of the children, and that is a good feeling sometimes.
Moroccan restaurant, Sophia belly dancing like a mini Shakira. That girl can move her hips! The next day she wanted to wear a skirt. We were going to our friend's for a BBQ. When it was time to get in the pool I was helping her out of her skirt into her bathing suit. Sophia had a dollar bill tucked into her skirt (belly dancer style)!
Ava blowing kisses and saying "Hi!" while frantically waving her hand anytime I am gone for more than 5 minutes.
Rick bringing home a piece of cheesecake for me. We won't discuss why there was a peace offering, just that he knew the way to thaw my cold heart.
Getting away with just Sophia for a quick swim at a friend's house. It was so nice to enjoy some relaxing time with my big girl. No eyes in the back of the head needed. Just fun swim time.
Who needs a water park with a slip 'n slide? Sophia and Ava had hours of entertainment with our improvised water park. Slip 'n Slide joined to a blow-up water fun island. Nuff said.
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