Monday, July 30, 2007

Venison Backstrap
I don't eat red meat too often, and if I do it's only in ground beef form. But my husband loves it and according to him, I've perfected the method of cooking it. Venison cooks really quickly and it's a very lean meat. I get a cast iron skillet really hot. I also let the venison sit out until it's room temperature. You can season with whatever you want or even marinate the meat. Make sure you wipe off any excess moisture. The meat should be pretty dry because you want to create a crust to lock in the juices. Place it on the hot skillet for 4 minutes. Do not touch the meat until you flip it over. Let it do its thing. Flip once and cook for another 4 minutes. Then remove from heat and let the meat sit for at least 8 minutes. It will continue to cook until medium rare to medium doneness and redistribute the juices throughout the meat. I find this same method effective for almost any type of steak, as long as it's about 1/2-1 inch in thickness. Anything thicker than that you'd probably want to increase the cooking time on each side.

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