Friday, September 21, 2007

10 Weeks

What a difference 3 weeks can make! I had an appointment with my OB this time and I got to see another close up of the baby. It is amazing how quickly they turn from a peanut into a baby! S/he was really active, punching the air and kicking around. The picture is actually upside down because I think s/he was doing flips! It was truly a spectacular sight, and I was just so relieved that everything looked great. That little heart beats so fast! I was in awe that only 3 weeks the growth went from .72 cm to 3.34 cm. And it's graduation time too! The baby has developed from an embryo to a fetus!

10 week ultrasound

Dione has also convinced me that I need to start taking some belly pictures to capture the growth from the outside. So I have reluctantly decided to post these as well. This is me at 10 weeks. I don't have a belly yet, right? No, that's just my normal chubby self.

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