Monday, January 12, 2009

Daddy's first

Yesterday was Sunday which usually means family day, which also means that Rick is typically around for the full day, which for me means that he gets a lot of bonding time with Sophia. During his morning bonding time (i.e., my time to take a shower in peace), he witnessed Sophia pulling up for the first time. As I'm leisurely walking into the family room, where Rick is watching football and Sophia is happily playing with her toys on the mat, Rick says to me ever so non-chalantly "Sophia just pulled up on the fireplace." My calmness was over in a split second. "WHATT?!! When? How did she do it? What did she go after?!?" As I'm running around trying to locate the camera and video camera. I swoop down beside her and clap my hands enthusiastically yelling, "YAY Sophia!!" startling the heck out of her. I place the toy that she was so smitten over back on the fireplace hearth, and poise my camera in anticipation. Oh yes, believe me, it did cross my mind to stage the photo-op. I thought maybe if I just stood her up, I could recapture the moment. But that would be cheating, wouldn't it? And somehow, it would take away from the memory that Rick got to witness his daughter pulling up by herself for the first time. And I suppose I'm OK with that.

1 comment:

Dione said...

Ahh... She pulled up! How exciting. She'll be walking in no time. How did this happen so fast?