Saturday, November 27, 2010

Ava's 1 month birthday

It's been one month since Ava was born. She now weighs 4 pounds and 2 ounces. I helped the nurse move her from her incubator to a bassinet on Thanksgiving, so she's now in a big girl bed. It's exciting to think that the next bed she moves to will be her own at home.

She also got a big girl bath the other day. It was a little stressful for me, because she's so slippery! But with the help of her nurse, we figured it out.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving thanks

I have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. My mom has been dealing with some health issues that has kept her from being here to meet Ava. Yesterday she was well enough to finally have surgery, and we are relieved that she didn't need a colon bag. I anticipate a speedy recovery so that she can get her butt down here to help out when Ava comes home.

I am thankful that Ava is doing remarkably well. As much as it grates on my nerves when people say it could have been worse, it's true. It could have been much worse. We could not have Ava, we could not have had such a smooth ride to where we are at now with her growth and health.

I am thankful that, with the support of family and friends, we've been able to all hold it together and to manage a routine. I will be really thankful when everything is back to "normal" again, but today I am just thankful that everything is looking up.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Ava's fourth week

Well, Ava's almost 4 weeks old anyway, but I was anxious to update on her progress. She's off her cannula. I am very excited about this for many reasons, but mostly because it just seemed uncomfortable and always hanging out of her nose anyway. They did a trial run yesterday to see if she would be able to handle it and she did well all day and through the night. Now you can see more of her cute face. I'll have to update with current pictures soon. She's also holding her own temperature which means that the lid to the incubator is open all the time so I can go in and hold her without having to make a big ordeal about getting the lid open and the monitors reset. She is also able to wear a onesie now and I was excited to be able to bring in her own clothes to give her some personality. Another big thing was that I was able to attempt to nurse her. They call it "recreational feeding" which cracks me up. I didn't have high hopes she'd do anything when presented with the recreation, but that girl surprised me. Today was her third time, and she latched on and sucked like a pro--for about 3 second intervals--and it's a huge step in the right direction but she needs to be able to get it all coordinated and that's going to take a while. With all this progress I'm eager to get her home. It's still a long way off, but I'm hoping she'll be able to come home sooner that her due date of January 19. We are so proud of our little peanut!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Ava's third week

While last week seemed like everything was progressing quickly, this week it seemed like things slowed down a bit. I have to stop and remind myself that Ava is only supposed to be 30 weeks now. She's still doing well with her feedings and her weight gain is on track. Her nasal cannula is down to 1/2, which is barely anything but she still needs that little bit as a crutch because without it she gets a little stressed. I was hoping the cannula would be off by now because it's kind of a pain. She likes to pull it out, and half the time it's not doing anything. The only time she's been having some issues has been during feedings, so they think she might have a little reflux, and they increased her gavage feeding from 1/2 an hour to an hour. That seems to have helped out.

Sundays are sibling visit days, and Sophia missed last Sunday because she had caught a cold. So yesterday she was able to spend some time with Ava. I think Ava recognizes Sophia's voice because as soon as Sophia started talking, Ava looked and moved in the direction of Sophia's voice, and she really showed interest in her, more so than she's shown in me, really. Sophia was really gentle with her and kept saying, "Aww she's so cute." I sure hope that attitude continues on! Of course I forgot my camera, but the nurse said they have a digital one on hand so she took a quick snapshot.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Ava's second week

Ava is starting to look like a real baby! She's taken on the newborn appearance rather than the drowned rat look that she's been styling since around the second day she was born. I hope to update with pictures soon, to show her off a little. She continues to tolerate her feedings well, so they keep bumping up her intake by 1 mL each shift change (translation- she's getting more milk and less IV stuff). The Dr. told me he thinks they will take out the IV feeding completely tomorrow. Her nasal cannula has been turned down to 1, and she's been good with that (translation- she's almost completely helping herself to the room air, no need for some tube to help flow room air into her nose).

As I mentioned above, she's starting to look cute. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love her and I'm completely bonded with her, but I just don't really think newborns are all that cute. And a preemie newborn is scary. But now her eyes aren't bugging out so much, she is starting to fill out those wrinkles, her skin is looking pinker. She ended up with my birthmark. I suppose that will be the only obvious trait my children inherit from me. Sophia's has faded much more than mine did, so I hope the same for Ava. Ava has her dad's upper lip and hair line. I'm sure more things will start to show as she grows and as more of the wires and stuff covering her are removed. We can't be happier with her progress.

I had my 2 week post-partum check-up today and the whole staff came over to ask how Ava was doing. My Peri said they call over to the NICU regularly to check in on her. They call her their miracle baby. It was very touching.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Halloween recap

I was determined to have a somewhat normal Halloween. Halloween is my favorite "holiday" and I made sure to decorate the house, carve pumpkins, and do some projects with Sophia. I think Sophia loves Halloween as much as I do, but her focus is on candy. The few weeks before Halloween, she recited the following, over and over: "I dress in costume, I knock and say 'trick-or-treat' and then I get candy--that's how it works."

In preparation for the big day, we went to the pumpkin patch...

We carved pumpkins...

We got spooky...

We got dressed up...
Sophia as Tinkerbell

Ava as a Bee

We met up with our friends to go trick-or-treating...

And we got lots of candy!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Ava's first week

Has it been one whole week already that Ava was born? I would have thought time would stand still but actually it's gone by so fast. Ava is an absolute Super Star in the NICU. I'll spare all the terminology used in there, I think they even have a term for all the NICU terminology, but drawing a blank for that word. Anyway, she's doing really well. I hate to admit it because I just don't want to jinx anything.

She's on very little oxygen now, still with the tiny tube in her nostrils. Her umbilical lines got swapped out with a PICC line in her leg (a deep IV that they can also use to draw blood from, as well as administer meds). They took her off the humidity. She's been on and off the light therapy, basically the tanning bed that helps her jaundice. Her skin is looking less "pumpkin" and more flesh-toned. And wow, you would not believe the size of her poop. She does her daddy proud there. They just increased her feedings to 4 feedings a day, 3 mL each feeding. It's slow progress, but she's maintaining her weight at 2 pounds, 13 ounces. The goal for this week and obviously from here on out is to get some fat on her.

Today when I went to visit, I met the Neonatologist taking over for another Neonatologist while she's on vacation. He gave me her stats and then he told me about increasing her food intake. He says, "I was told your milk supply is dismal and we'd really like to make sure she gets breast milk but we may have to supplement." Um, WHAAA??!? I have a full stock pile in my freezer that I've been told to keep until they can get rid of some of the current supply, buddy. Who's supply are you calling dismal? So apparently the on call nurse didn't look in the right place because I told her to look harder. Wouldn't you know she found it and told me they have enough to feed her for at least 3 weeks. I get raised hackles when telling me any food I supply is dismal, I take that as a personal insult. I'll try to let it go. But just in case they were unsure, I pumped right then and there and waved the 4 ounces of fresh milk in front of them to ask that they include it in their storage just in case. Ha. OK, moving on.

I've been able to hold Ava for an hour a day, kangaroo care style. She's still hooked up to all her wires during that time for heart rate, oxygen level, respiratory level, temperature, etc. and it's rewarding to see how stable she becomes on the monitor when I hold her. Today when the nurse handed her off to my chest, I could tell her head was in an uncomfortable position. I wondered if I should try to shift her, but with all those wires and things, it's pretty difficult to see if I've knocked anything out of place. But Ava took care if it. She lifted her head and repositioned herself. That's my strong girl.

I've been told she may be moved out of her little room inside a room inside a room to hang among the "common folk" soon. While we won't have as much privacy, it will be nice to have her graduate to less critical status.

So one week down, 10 or so weeks to go until we can think about bringing our little girl home.