Friday, March 25, 2011

Ava is 5 months today

Ava was weighed at the pediatricians and is now 14 pounds and 1 ounce. She's slowed down a little in her weight gain, which I think is a good thing because compared to (oh boy and here we go comparing her to her older sister) Sophia, she is a good 2 pounds more than Sophia was at 2 months old. Which is really how old Ava should be, 2 months. Yes, confusing still.
Ava is mostly calm and focused, unless of course she's hungry, tired or has a dirty diaper. But when her basic needs are met, she will just stare at you and it looks like she's really taking everything in. She loves to play, absolutely adores her big sister, and is still sleeps most contently when she's sleeping with me. It's going to be a really bad habit to break, this co-sleeping thing. She's practicing her cooing. It's fun to watch her try to make a sound. Sometimes she gets really frustrated while trying to move her tongue and lips, she'll just squawk to get something out. She says, "ah goo" and "boo" mostly. And this girl just smiles at everything. She's so strong, too! She loves to stand up and bounce her little legs, she has the strongest grip and can pull herself up with her hands. She holds herself up so well, I barely have to support her head when I hold her now. Speaking of her head, she's growing back the hair she lost a few weeks ago. The old man hair band is evening out and the new growth is coming in quite thick. Her eyes are still a deep blue but I think they are starting to lighten up a bit and becoming more gray-blue.
We see the home nurse next week to find out how Ava is doing developmentally, but I'm not so worried these days. I feel like she's developing right on target, if not even ahead for what her adjusted age is.

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