Sunday, March 6, 2011

Not quite Shirley Temple

Sophia had her first dance class. I signed her up at the studio where I used to dance when I was a little girl. I played up the class for about a week, and she was really excited to go. Until the day of the class. She woke up from her nap in a pretty foul mood. She didn't want to go to dance. She didn't want to get dressed in her new leotard. After a lot of coaxing (and bribes) we got her ready to go.

The first thing I noticed when Sophia started the warm up part of class is that she has her daddy's flexibility. She doesn't bend. While the other little girls were virtually folded in half, Sophia was struggling to touch her knees let alone her toes. The next thing I noticed was that Sophia has her mommy's sense of direction. She will do the opposite leg, arm, or even go counter clockwise of the other girls. However, once the instructor got her all settled, she really has a natural grace and ability to do the dance moves. She learned the tap step, shuffle, right from the start. And it was clear heel/toe/slap. Even with the distractions (from one particular little girl who was intent on pulling Sophia away from everything and causing trouble--who is in one of the pictures but I won't be cruel to actually point her out, but let's just say one of the things is not like the hum, tambourines or...?), she actually learned some. I really went into the whole thing just hoping she had fun, if nothing else. I do want her to learn a little discipline, too. But I think that will come with time and maturity and certainly not from an introduction class with a bunch of three year olds.

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