Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sophia says...

I'm not sure if Sophia is picking up on old sayings and just interpreting them in her way, or if she's just that funny, but here are some words of wisdom in the past week:

"Mommy, watch: I can run and chew bubblegum at the same time."

One morning when the local news was on, they showed a picture of Michele Bachmann and Sophia says, "Mommy, that lady is running for President of the United States. But she's not in very good shape."

And on another patriotic note, "Mommy my blood is red and that means I'm an American."

Our goldfish Cleo died the other day. I told Sophia that Cleo died and she said she wanted to send Cleo to heaven. I found a cardboard jewelry box and she decorated the box with stickers and artwork, and asked for something cushy for her to lay on. She took the box and said, "get in the car mom, we gotta drive to heaven."

And Sophia may not be a ballerina one day, but she's going to be a mean breakdancer.

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