Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Well hello there 2012

This may be the first year in the last 5 years that the focus is not on making a baby, trying to hold onto a pregnancy, or recovering from a pregnancy related trauma. 2012 started off with some major organization overhaul, all because of the lovely new shed that is currently housing everything that was packed away to the gills in closets and random storage areas. This shed set off a chain of organizational events that we haven't seen around here since the big move in. Rick got super focused on making the most of his new space in the garage, which led to the lower lot, which led to the closet, which led to the tax receipts, and so on and so on. I was all aboard until we got hit by some sinus/respiratory funk that derailed all my motivation and completely knocked the wind from my sails.

So here we are 1 month into 2012 and I am exhausted. In my quest to make real goals for the new year, I may have gotten a little too ambitious. It's time to slow down a bit and take it all one step at a time. Barring any end of the world nonsense, I need to remind myself that I do have a whole 11 more months to check off my to-do lists. But man, was I in the zone there for a few weeks. It felt good to accomplish those nagging little things that weigh on your mind month after month. Riding on the high of that sense of achievement, getting caught up in that can of worms, it's easy to want to keep it going. Now that the bulk of the work is done, I'm initiating a maintenance mode on myself to take it down a notch.

Enough about cleaning house. 2012 has also started out with lots of reflection. I get this overwhelming sense of love and contentment that hits me out of nowhere lately. The other night I was washing bottles and listening to Rick, Sophia and Ava playing in the living room, and I wanted to cry tears of joy. It's this new emotional me, I guess. Right at this moment, I'm happy. Even with the self-inflicted Project Organize, I couldn't be more content. I'm so used to looking forward to where I want to be that its taken some time to adjust to that feeling of just being in the here and now. My new motto for 2012 is "Be Present."

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