Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January: Things I want to remember

I'm shamelessly stealing an idea from my sister in-law, Dione. She made a photobook about the things she wanted to remember and I loved it. I thought it would be a great idea for a blog post to wrap up our months.

Things I want to remember:

Sophia making up words and telling me they are Spanish or French or Italian, explaining their meaning as she says the words over and over and uses them in a sentence.

Ava wrapping her arms around my neck and squeezing so tightly she grunts.

Sophia making up silly jokes, which are not at all funny but we laugh hysterically because they make no sense.

The look on Noni's face when she was pulling the string on the popper New Years Eve.

Ava taking a few steps and then lunging for me because she's not quite ready to take off on her own just yet.

Rick having a slow month and being able to spend a lot of family time together. While it was an adjustment in the beginning, it really was great to have him around so much.

My mom's excitement for taking us (well, taking Sophia really....Ava and I just tagged along) on the train ride at the Fountains.

How excited Sophia was to do "Face Time" with the iPad to her cousins and then becoming totally mute when they showed up on the screen.

The impromptu 49er playoff party at our house.

Sophia planting herself in the middle of her cousin Chris and his girlfriend Calla on the couch. Jealous much?

Playing hours of Candy Land and the Owl game, with Sophia legitimately beating Rick and I every time.

Ruger peeing on the photographer's basket of props. He hates the camera and we invaded his backyard with a photo shoot of the girls for an hour or 2. Once the camera was put away, he immediately ran over to her stuff and peed right on it.

Parents coming up to me and telling me their kid talks about Sophia all the time at home. (I hope it's all good stuff!)

Speaking of stuff, Sophia coming over and sitting on my lap and saying, "Mommy, let's talk about stuff."

Dione sending me a picture of Alyssa wearing a shirt with "Sassy" on the front, but also wearing a scarf with the shirt that effectively blocked out the "S" and "Y" in the word.

Laughing so hard at one family member's (to remain nameless because she'd kill me) sweat pants and the unfortunate place a hole appeared. I can't go into detail, but these are things I want to remember afterall.

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