Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The house of ridiculous funk

If I actually took the time to elaborate on the events that took place in the past week, I would be sitting here typing for hours. So I'll cut the chase and hand over the meat of the story. You remember that little cold Sophia got the day of the dance? Well that little cold was caught by one Ava. I figured it would last as long as Sophia's, it being so brief and not at all slowing Sophia down. But that cold turned into the infamous RSV. The very same RSV that we were so terrified of Ava contracting last year, that we spent thousands of dollars in a series of shots that lasted the duration of RSV season. RSV isn't contagious, it's actually an innocent common cold that goes sinister in children under 2 years of age or those with a compromised immune system. Just like with the common cold, you have to let RSV run its course. Let me tell you, I know now why RSV is no joke. I completely understand why the girl's pediatrician timed her pregnancy and birth of her children around it. Why she said, "Oh good, you are having your baby after RSV season" when we had our initial consult before Sophia was born, and why she said, "You're expecting during RSV season" when I told her the girl's due date.

Oh right, this was supposed to be the short version.

I took Ava into the pediatrician's office early Wednesday morning because I knew she had an ear infection and she had also started wheezing and breathing funny during breakfast. Her funny breathing turned into struggling for breathing. I was sent home with a nebulizer that steams steroid into her lungs to allow her to breathe, treatments to be performed every 4 hours. On the drive home, I thought to myself I can do this. I brought her home when she was still having brady's for crying out loud. Nothing was scarier than that. I can do this. I was also hopped up on crazy pregnancy hormones back then, which I contribute to how capable I was of tackling just about anything with superhuman strength. Now? No hormones of that kind to be found. Can those things be prescribed? Because that was some good shit.

Right, I'm keeping this story short.

So we get home, and my sister in-law is there with Sophia and the home visit vet, called in because our dog also seemed to be under the weather. I was told it could be a number of things wrong with him, but here is some medication that he needs 2 times a day, to be fed on an empty stomach, in combo with OTC Pepcid AC that needs to be given 2 hours after the other medicine...and I still hadn't gone to the pharmacy to fill Ava's prescription for antibiotics and steroid treatments. I started feeling a little over overwhelmed. So off to the pharmacy I run, mentally calculating the chart I will have to make to keep this mess straight. When I returned home, Ava's breathing started getting bad again, I hadn't figured out the doses, the machine, or anything. I panicked and called my mom. My mom heard my panic and packed her bags. My mother in-law must have felt my panic because she called and came over right away. What is it about grandma's arms? Ava fell asleep immediately in Noni's arms and I got my freaking freak-out contained. Oh, did I mention we were up all night the night before because Ava was sick. Oh and Rick came down with the cold too. So I was just getting things under control with my mom running interference, when the vet tells us that she believes the dog has liver cancer. Or an ulcer. But 95% sure it's liver cancer. But he's really lived his life expectancy, and really we just want to make him comfortable.

And then Friday happens. Sophia tells us she has a stomach ache. And then she starts to puke. Nonstop. Until 1am. And then Rick gets hit with it on Saturday. And then I get hit with it on Sunday. And then poor Ava, recovering from RSV and still on antibiotics, gets it on Sunday evening. I wanted to sleep, I wanted to puke, and I wanted my babies to get better. I'm not good with impossible situations, but I'm determined. So we got through it, Rick and I rallying together.

And then Monday happens. Rick has poison oak from head to toe. But he has an appointment anyway to see a dermatologist for some suspected skin cancer this week, so hopefully this will get resolved. Seriously. This was our week.

Sophia cracked me up during this whole thing. She kept rolling her eyes and saying, "Will this torment ever cease?!" It's a line from a book I read her at night. I was pretty impressed at her ability to put such big words to work in an unbelievably perfect scenario for its use.

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