Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Weight (of certain things)

Just finished a really quick read called Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy. You know who she is, the crass, beautiful woman who's dating Jim Carrey. It's along the same lines as the Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy, but crosses that line a lot more. Meaning that she really gets down to the dirty truth about pregnancy and the things ladies don't usually talk about. One thing in particular that cracked me up is that she measured her boobs. Apparently they got A LOT bigger and well, I thought that was a great idea. I attempted this yesterday. Why? Well, the girls have been getting bigger and heavier and I thought it would be a great idea to keep track, just in case one day I get some grief from my Dr. for gaining too much weight. I think weight gain from boobs is a great justification if I can back up the amount of weight, right? A few things to note if you try this at home:
  1. Heat up the scale somehow...maybe use a blowdryer to take the chill off...brrr!
  2. Don't use one of those fancy BMI digital scales, unless your boobs are so long they fit across the whole scale length. If that's the case, honey, you have more to worry about than the weight of those puppies!
  3. Bring the scale up to the counter height, don't attempt to lean over and dangle the girls on top. Pregnancy makes one dizzier than normal and the weight of the new belly throws one off balance.

Needless to say, I still don't know what they weigh, but Rick made a good point of using one of those kitchen food scales...I have yet to find out where that is or how much weight it holds but I'll keep you updated.

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