Friday, December 14, 2007

Be careful what you wish for

I can't remember a time when I didn't want to be pregnant, ever since I was a little girl. I told my mom this all the time--I wanted a baby. They got me a puppy, Ms. T, the cutest thing ever. But who took care of her? My mom of course. I'm not sure what I wanted more, the pregnancy belly or the doll like animated creature I can cuddle and hold. I used to stand in front of the mirror and push out my gut as much as I could and rub my belly. You'd think I would grow out of this stage, but I found myself doing this when we were trying to get pregnant, those very long 2 years. I imagined what I would look like with a big pregnant belly. Well, now I'm on the road to realization, so to speak! Holy belly, it's here and now I'm afraid at how big it's going to get.

I had my first stranger comment on my belly the other day. Finally went shopping for the first outfit to commemorate finding out our baby is a girl (see picture below). The lady ringing up the purchase asked when I was due. I was beaming, just excited that someone outside my circle noticed I was pregnant! I proudly announced, "April!" She looks at me and says, "Wow, you are really big. My daughter is due in March and she's not as big as you." Hmm, OK-- not quite the response I was looking for. I started to panic and obsessed with this to Dione for a good amount of time after the purchase.

22 weeks



Alicia Adams said...

That outfit is TOO cute!!

Rachelle_McCarty said...

I sooo remember when you used to push your belly out and we would pretend that we were pregnant! I also remember when Mom bought you Ms. T! I love reading your blogs and I love you! xoxox