Thursday, December 27, 2007

10 pounds, all baby (yeah right)

Here I was, so proud of myself that I had been able to maintain my weight for the most part. My Dr. had even told me on a few occasions that she'd like to see me gain a few pounds. When do you ever hear that?! So to my horror, at my last appointment my Dr. looked at my weight gain and asked me, "What, did you eat the whole turkey on Thanksgiving?!" I had gained 10 pounds. 10 whole pounds since my visit 4 weeks prior. How does that happen? And no, I did not eat the whole turkey. I may have had an extra large serving of dessert, but really, that doesn't constitute 10 pounds worth. But even so, the Dr. wasn't worried about the weight gain. Apparently she is used to seeing this sort of trend with women who don't put on weight in the beginning, there is a spike in the second trimester. I was told, however, that it shouldn't be so dramatic for the next visit. Darn it, it's the holidays! The average person puts on 10 pounds for the holidays, and I've got an exception here right? Right?

24 weeks

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