Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wet wipes

I'd like to think of wet wipes as my equivalent to Rick's duck tape or gorilla glue. However sexist it may seem, duck tape really is a man's answer to most quick fixes. The power of wet wipes has become increasingly apparent as Sophia gets older. Not only does it remove banana goo from her hair, the thickest snot from her nose, and the obvious diaper duty...I've found it comes in quite handy as a quick all purpose cleaner. I've also found that the seemingly coolest of all men will take the assistance of an offered wet wipe in their most uncoolest moments.

The other day I was at the grocery store and noticed this man strutting around the store. He looked out of place among your typical mid-morning senior citizens and stay at home moms. As much as I tried to ignore the anomaly, Sophia had this thing with him. She was trying to get his attention and as she was making the effort to gain eye contact, he was making the same effort in ignoring her attempts. The irony of the situation was that we continued to intersect even at his attempts to head in the opposite direction of us. One intersection was the egg rack. As we pulled up, he was grabbing for an egg carton. Any seasoned shopper knows that you approach the egg cartons with caution, knowing that these fragile containers often hold surprises. This guy proved my suspicion that he just isn't a regular grocery shopper by the handling of the eggs. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a rush of motion as he began to fling what appeared to be raw egg contents from his hand. I quickly dug into my diaper bag, approached him and said, "wet wipe?" Defeated, he gingerly accepted the wipe as if pondering whether it would be better to just wipe the egg on his expensive trousers. I gave a sympathetic look and continued on my way to rescue the world, one act at a time, with wet wipes.

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