Wednesday, July 7, 2010


It's impossible to accept any possibility other than one I am wishing for and have been wishing for since this all started. I just want healthy babies. I want it to be a healthy pregnancy. I don't want any more complications. Today I had my NT scan and things don't look good for one of the twins. They found fluid around the baby, which indicates either chromosal or anatomical abnormality. If it's chromosomal, the odds are highly likely that both are impacted since they came from the same chromosomal make-up. If it is anatomical, the chances that it's limited to the one twin are greater, although it's unknown if the other twin will be impacted. The only way to determine at this point is to have a CVS or amniocentesis to rule out chromosomal abnormality. Either way, I am faced with impossible decisions right now. I'm most likely going to have a CVS in the next day or so, and hopefully there won't be complications from the procedure alone. It's risky, but waiting until the timeframe for an amniocentesis (4 more weeks) and also the fact that they'd have to take a sample from each sac--increasing odds of complications with an amniocentesis, which has risks of its own--pushes me into the direction of CVS. I probably would have been encouraged to have either procedure anyway, given that I'll be 35 when the babies are born. I would have liked to have a more convincing reason not to have the procedure done though.


Liz said...

Thinking of you and the family. Hugs!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could erase the "im" from "impossibilities". Thinking of you, Cara.


Heidi said...

Try to keep the hope, Cara. Wishing this could all be easier for you. Lots of love, Heidi

Dione said...

Oh Cara, I also wish there was a way to make your wishes come true. I'm hoping for the very best. You and the babies are always in my thoughts. Love you.