Monday, July 25, 2011

Ava is 9 months old

Ava is 9 months (6 months adjusted) old today. It's the three month incremental milestones that really get to me; so much changes from 3 months to 6 months and then to 9 months. In Ava's case, it's like we added another quarter to our year for a total of five 3 month increments. Are you following my logic here? While most others ask if she's "catching up" yet, I feel like she's just a normal 6 month old doing what a normal 6 month old should do.

Ava's new thing is rolling over from back to front, front to back...making her way over to an interesting item. This item is typically off limits to her, usually some small bead or choking hazard Sophia has left on the floor. Funny how Sophia is just at that age where all her interests are the tiniest of toys. The exact opposite of what I really want her to play with while Ava has discovered she can be mobile. Ava's seemingly got Rubber Man arms too. Her reach is unbelievable. She can knock her cereal out of her bowl or out of her spoon on the way to her mouth, when I swore it was out of harms way. Oh, she's eating lots of variety now! Prunes were the first on the list once rice cereal was established. I learned the hard way the other day that there is too much of a good thing with prunes. We had her first major blowout of epic proportions.

We have her 9 month wellness appointment at the end of the week, followed by her first development assessment at the hospital on August 1. I'm a bit nervous for this assessment, even though I feel like she's doing what she should be doing. This is the first of a number of studies she will go through to determine if there was any neurological damage due to her premature birth. The home nurse still does her monthly visits, and while she feels like Ava is doing well--and even exceeding expectations--something about taking her to the clinic makes my stomach feel jittery when thinking about it.

But today I celebrate. I celebrate the strong, solid, beautiful little girl Ava is today. And I also grieve. Julia is so heavily weighing on my heart, but each day seems to get a bit easier with gaining perspective.

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